Friday, March 21, 2008

Spec's Course

Specialists' Course on 10-13 March 08. I'm sure it was a memorable experience for most of us in our Part. This is only a brief post (Bryan Ong pls post on this too).

When we reached Amoy Quee Camp, we took attendance and were split into our different platoons and camps. There were 2 "camps" we were split into, Alpha and Bravo.

Then we fall in and sat down on the carpark of Logistics Centre of the HQ in our platoons. Then we waited awhile (for I don't know what), before moving on by buses to Pasir Laba Camp.

There, we then moved into our bunks. WOW. SPACIOUS. For those who were not there, there were 12 single beds in a huge room.

Food was good on all the four days. On the first say, we had recaps on IMT, Trainfire and so on. Before that, we went to the Auditorium where there was an opening address.

Day 2, the test on field signals, and the other relevant things ( I forgot what they are called). We realised that we were supposed to do mutuals on two different topics (one on IFC and Trainfire)

Day 3, it rained in the afternoon from 1pm to 5pm, so we had admin time (free time) from 1pm to 5 pm. At night, about 10. 15pm, while the rest had lights out, some cadets who were nominated for awards had to go through an interview (but before that, push-ups, running, and pull-ups..I'm not very sure though). Some of our Part-mates were nominated *CLAPS*.

Day 4, day to go home. We went back to the auditorium to listen a talk on the army career (just an insight, not to draw us to join the Army). Then there was a prize presentation to the award winners. SJI NCC Land did not win, but it was fine because I know most of us did our best.

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